Milestone to classify every minor update open to contribution
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- Bug: make it mandatory to fill the event name and mail field to click on next when creating an event
- Sequence the button "choose my type of event"
- Rename the "login" button when choosing to create a Craoster Plus event by "Create my Caroster Plus event"
- Date picker on Windows Firefox crash the app
- Being able to delete an event
Completed Issues (closed)
- Bug: the language of the account confirmation page is different (French) from the browser and event language (Dutch) when creating an account with Google
- Google authentified users can't see profile page and "My Caroster" is empty
- Bug: In the footer of the emails sent, "Open collective" must be in bold and underlined
- When creating a caroster plus, skip the page choice of the event that appears step 8, a second time.
- Bug: Overlap of pre-filled text and placeholder
- Italian translation
- Bug: As a user I am not able to create my account because I do not receive the email confirmation
- Bug : Being able to see when my event address is not geolocated in viewing mode
- OLD : Being able to create an account with the same email after failing to confirm previous account
- Phone numbers are visible to everyone in Caroster Plus
- Non-blocking message error "Please provide a valid name" when adding a registered car for a new trip
- Creating Caroster without account then with an account via subscription to Caroster Plus leads to administrator role issues
- German Translation
- As a translator, I can propose a new translation in app
- Use mapbox Searchbox API to geocod addresses
- No confirmation when removing passenger from a vehicle
- Trip infobox can handle links
- Trip infobox can handle return for better lisibility
- Language preferenced are not taken in to account
- Editing a trip doesn't focus on the card
- Instruction when no trip in Caroster Plus is the same as Caroster
- I'm not disconnected when my session has expired
- Selecting dot from map doesn't scroll to the trip
- Having a better understanding of geocoded address at selection
- Events are visible on search engines
- conformité OSM
- Display global phone numbers using the appropriate mask
- User cannot connect
- The banner displays an empty message if the language is switched before the banner is marked “read”
- As a user, I can see dates in a localized format
- Double-clicking on the account validation link leads to an error page
- Improve UI in e-mail
- Wrong navigation between website and app when the user is connected
- Event sharing does not take the recipient's language into account