OLD : Being able to create an account with the same email after failing to confirm previous account
User Story
As a user, I can create a new account using the same email if my previous account was unconfirmed, allowing me to complete the account setup process without being blocked by the prior unconfirmed account.
Currently, if a user does not confirm their account via the initial email and tries to reset their password, they receive a password reset email. However, when they attempt to log in after resetting their password, they encounter an error message stating, "Your account has not been confirmed." If the user attempts to create a new account with the same email, they receive a message stating, "This email is already associated with an account." -> This issue creates a situation where, if the confirmation email is lost or never received, the user is unable to resend the confirmation email or create a new account with the same email address.
Proposed Solution
When the user tries to create a new account with an email that is already associated with an unconfirmed account, the system should automatically delete the unconfirmed account and allow the user to proceed with creating a new account. A new confirmation email will then be sent to the user to finalize the account setup process.
Acceptance criteria
It depends on the solution in all cases, the user should not be blocked from creating a new account with the same email due to an unconfirmed previous account.