Phone numbers are visible to everyone in Caroster Plus
As a user on Caroster Plus event, whether I have an account or not, I cannot see the phone numbers of drivers. I can only view the phone number of the driver for the trip I am enrolled in.
Details Actually we have this view with ou without an account :
We want phone numbers to be invisible to users. We want passengers to see only the phone number of the driver of the car they are in.
Currently, users can view the following information regardless of whether they have an account:
- Car name
- Driver's phone number (this is what needs to change)
- Meeting place
- Notes
- Number of available seats
Acceptance criteria
- The user when arriving with the link of a Caroster Plus event only see name of the car, meeting place, notes and number of seats available, but the driver’s contact information remains hidden.
- After signing up for a trip (which requires an account), the user can see the phone number of the driver for the specific trip he is enrolled in.
- The administrator role can see all the contact information about drivers including the phone number.
High This change is crucial due to user feedback and aligns with the privacy promises of Caroster Plus: more data protection
Edited by Xavier von Aarburg