What happens: ✅ When you click on create a carpool, you are redirected at Caroster event creation,
❌ When we click “connect” from Caroster.io and we are already connected, we are redirected there too.
What is expected: ✅ when you click on create a carpool, you are redirected to Caroster event creation,
✅ when we click “connect” from Caroster.io and we are already connected, we are redirected to the dashboard
✅ when you click “connect” from Caroster.io and you are not connected, you are redirected to the login page
Notion: https://www.notion.so/Wrong-navigation-between-website-and-app-when-the-user-is-connected-db248be6d5164bb1a92b4095f6b04c9d
Points: 2